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Constructıon Works And Fınal Account Branch Dırectorate
It is to prepare the approximate cost calculations and technical specifications for the construction, maintenance and repair works, which are decided to be carried out by the Directorate of Construction and Technical Department and whose amount is within the monetary authority.
- To arrange the procedures to be done in accordance with the legislation regarding the construction and repair works and direct procurement works, and the temporary and final progress payments for these works,
- To have the technical examination of the construction and repair works whose provisional acceptance has been made and the final account of which has been prepared, and the documents required to be included in the final account file, by the personnel to be assigned outside the control organization, within the period of time.
- Accrual and payment transactions according to the results of the examination of the final accounts, or to send to the relevant units for the collection of the public receivables in case the contractors are indebted,
- To carry out inspection and acceptance (provisional and final acceptance) procedures for construction and repair works, the tenders of which have been made by the Directorate of Construction Affairs,
- To meet the technical staff demands coming from the external units within the limits of their possibilities, to assign the requested technical staff within the possibilities to carry out the supervision and acceptance processes of these works,
- To select materials in accordance with the project, detail, specification and contract in construction and modification works.
- To carry out production controls in accordance with the project, detail, specification and contract in construction and modification works.
- If the contractors are indebted as a result of the finalized progress payment, notifying the relevant units for the collection of the receivable,
- To perform similar duties as assigned by the head of the department.
This content was issued on 11.10.2022 and has been viewed for 1661 times.